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Laura Waugh | Family Photography at Home
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I wound up where I intended to be.
- Douglas Adams -

Thanks for stopping by. I'm so excited to meet you!
I'm Laura, a documentary and lifestyle photographer based in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm Mama to two sweet (and energetic) little boys and have been married to my best friend for more than 10 years.
I have always loved taking photos, but I didn't get serious about family photography until I had children of my own. Having photos of my babies and MYSELF suddenly seemed so much more important - I wanted to preserve all of the little details in each chapter of our lives, knowing it all would pass so quickly. I put so much love and intention into my photos - I truly want to make images that families will cherish for generations to come.
Other random facts about me: I was raised in a very small town in West Virginia, I have a Ph.D. in literature, and I shoot almost all of my own family photos on vintage film.
Anything else you want to know about me? Just ask! I'm an open book and can't wait to learn more about you, too!

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